Telling the Truth or Lie?

A true action leads to the path of virtue and good deeds, and virtue paves the way of a person to Paradise, and the said person continues to speak the truth till in the sight of Allah he is named Siddiq or Truthful. Lying leads to vice, and vice leads to indecent acts and if a person goes on lying till in the sight of Allah he is named a liar.
Assalamu Ailakum
Our wise and noble Prophet Muhammad saas wanted the believers of Islam to live a good life in this dunnya. Telling the truth rather telling a lie would be a step forward to jannah. lying is the worst case and Allah hates liars. If we lie to everyone, you'll be a step forward to Hell Fire. Believers of Islam, you must always tell the truth even though it hurts, you'll always be in the Good side of Allah.
Asalamu Ailakm
